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통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
06/10/17 03:12
PG투어 가면 저같은 공방초중수를 왔다갔다 거리는 사람에게는 저테전이 유난히 살인적이더군요. 최후의 SCV까지 싸우고야 말겠다는 분들이 워낙 많으셔서 [..] 엄청난 긴장감.
게임은 가장 재미있게 할 수 있는 곳이라, 다시 복구된다니 기쁩니다.
06/10/17 03:16
다행이네요. 연습하고싶은 사람들은 물론 고수를 스카웃 하고 싶어하던 길드들에게 있어서 엄청난 희소식일것 같습니다.
게다가 계급 올리는 재미도 쏠쏠하다보니 사람들도 정말 많이하더군요. 중요한건 한번씩 계급 떨어질때 슬프다는거..
06/10/17 08:04
오호... 이거 귀와 눈이 뜨이는 소식인데요? 이런 소식 정말 감사합니다. 저도 피지투어에서 하는 거 좋아함.. 정배에선 참 상대 실력을 가늠해 볼 수도 없고 잘하면 맵핵이라고 의심받고 못하면 욕하고 참....
06/10/17 10:35
op 345....
본좌들의 향연이 맞죠 .....-_- 거기선 그러게 해야 그나마 고수들과게임 하면서 자존심 싸운도 할수 있거든요... 나모모 있던 시절에 김원기나 여러 아마추어고수들이 그렇게 했었죠....
06/10/17 10:48
Ashur ::PGTour, hug Pat
Okay, I dont like the "ladder battle" or flaming or whatever you like or not. Since you probably know that we programmers are not on any side. And since I really dislike high politics and I dont ask you for anything non SCBW development related, today I will make a change.. The PGTour situation for few last weeks didnt change much. And because of the GG.net news you could get mistaken. And I really fear that you are mistaken. Ilintar really repaired database yesterday, Chr1s is as far as I know done with the webpage and few more bugs was fixed. So the PGTour was secured - to not be hacked again. Sad news is that PGTour domain expires in 15 days. The server was shut down few hours ago, because the server fee was not paid. You probably remember the situation, but this time its more worse, because Pat lost interest in the StarCraft completely.. Maybe this thread can be open mail to Pat, because he is the one to bring it back. Hes probably disappointed from the hack - you could feel the emotion from his post about the situation. Many other people could take his work, even payment since its not much to pay for a server if my counts are good -> you dont even need to pay anything if there would be some Google ad on a webpage. So whats up? Show Pat how much you appriciate his 2 year long lasting work, what he did for the community. He did big job. Imagine what you will do after WCG, since there wont be any ladder running. The abyss or other simply dont work, coz koreans got their fishes and are too lazy to look anywhere else. Many people will simply quit imo. This is not about noise as any other "please vote" threads. This is about you, all you need to do is to show that you really want that ladder back, or dont do anything. I cant say if it will work and Pat will bring it back, but i think its worth an attempt. Your happines is his only pleasure, i know it. He didnt do the job for himself, he did it for you. 하지만 15일안에 피지투어 도메인이 만료된다는거~ Pat lost interest in the StarCraft completely.. 이 구절이 눈에 뛰네요. 운영자가 할 마음이 없다는거~