다시봐도 좋은 양질의 글들을 모아놓는 게시판입니다.
Date 2004/01/03 19:30:04
Name homy
Subject "Return" ( I )
Kaysa 님이 보내주신 글입니다.  
감사 드립니다.

추천게시판 게시물 No. 111 “귀환” (上)
( 원문 입니다 . )

I tried moving my body. My damaged shield seems to have been recharged considerably. Even though I had been trained to remain calm in all situations, the fact that my comrades were annihilated and that I alone was stranded in an unknown area did not cheer me up a bit.

”Our destination is the 12 o’ clock area. I have received transmission from the Nexus informing us that the cybernetic booster upgrade research will soon be completed at the Citadel. My Zealots, take care to evade the enemy Overlords”

I heard that the High Templar in charge of this rush is from a family of high pedigree among the Akilae tribe. He was confident and sharp-minded. But like all other High Templars, he did not harbor any friendly feelings for a Dark Templar such as I.

“Are you keeping up with us? Hard to tell when you’re hiding in the dreary shadows.”


It was unlikely that he, who had received the teachings of Khala ever since he could barely walk, did not have the power to perceive me. Although I stayed my wrath thinking that it would not be wise for the Templars to quarrel in front of the Zealots, my hand trembled slightly on the scabbard of my warp blade.

“Surely a proud descendent of Aiur wouldn’t hide behind the mineral field out of fear?”

“In the Archive of Khala…”

My voice, unused for quite a long time, sounded rather scratchy and suppressed.

”Do they teach the Templars to put words before action?”


He slowly looked at me, or rather, to the direction from which my voice was coming from. Being a High Templar of Khala who values the discipline of the mind more than that of the body, he was very lean in stature. This made him, who was in fact nearly as tall as I, look much taller than myself.

“So you were keeping up with us after all, my brother.”


A long time ago, our ancestors, who were accused of neglecting the teachings of Khala, were banished from our homeland. If they were not so hard put to it in the war against the mighty Zerg and the persistent Terran, they would have continued to disregard us for ever. But this war had become too heavy a burden for them to carry by themselves. We heard the painful cries of the Aiur, and we could not help but return to our homeland from our long aimless wanderings in the space. But somehow we already knew. That once this seemingly endless war is over and the Protoss come out in the end as the victor, they will banish us again into the desolate spaces of the universe just as they had done in the past. When they call us “brother”, more often than not it was a mockery.

”Do not worry about me from now on. If you insist on being so inquisitive…”

Shring. I drew my warp blade from the scabbard. When a Templar of the darkness is born, he is given a warp blade which was forged by the weaponsmiths of our tribe. The name of the blade is the name of that Templar, and that blade accompanies him for the rest of his life. The warp blade is the symbol of our life and honor.

”My warp blade will speak in my stead.”


He did not answer me.

When and how did the enemy detect us? I closed my eyes. The troops that were mobilized for the rush on the order of our commander consisted of six or seven Zealots, the High Templar who was in charge, and I. Upon reaching this place, we were utterly demolished by an unexpected attack from the Mutalisks. The Zealots and I were powerless against the attack from air. The High Templar quickly summoned a psionic storm, but it was not enough to overcome our foes. Only I, who had the power to take refuge in the shadows, could avoid their vicious assault.

Where in the hell is this place? How far is it from here to our main base? Is the main base informed of the fact that we were annihilated? Several thoughts rushed through my head. I bit into my lips. I am a trained assassin, and am not allowed to lose my presence of mind. But it seemed that I am not disciplined enough to keep calm even in a situation like this.


The sound of loud gunfire from yonder broke the silence. Not a single fire, but a volley of fire. Mingled with the sound of gunfire, a cry filled with pain rang in the air. It was not the weapon of our race, nor was it of the Zerg who were virtually organic weapons… Maybe it is a Terran? Out of curiosity, I stood up and moved stealthily toward the sound of gunfire.


It was… a human. Wearing a red vest and holding in his hand a Gauss rifle, a truly pathetic weapon of the Terran. He was surrounded by four Zerglings. I could not tell whether the blood spattered around him was that of the human or of the Zerglings. The human was shouting out something. Probably a last minute’s cry of the one at the death’s doorstep.


There was no reason for me to help the human. There was no way that the Zerglings could perceive me, a Dark Templar, without accompanying an Overlord. Even if they could see me, those lowly life forms were no match for my warp blade. The case was the same for the Terran. Therefore, there was absolutely no reason for me to become involved in such an affair when I was not whole myself.


But strangely, I could not help but look at the human in the red vest shooting blindly at the Zerglings, which were twice his size. He too was alone….. like myself. Did he fall behind his ranks? Or perhaps he was a deserter? Desertion is unthinkable for us Templars, but I have heard that it happens frequently among the feeble-minded Terran.


A Zergling bit the dust with a last scream. But there still remained three more. The human was exhausted. The constantly shaking muzzle of his gun seemed as if it were the desperate cry of a cornered soul.


I stood up and put my hand on the hilt of the warp blade. Although he was not of my race, I too am a Templar that holds important the value of honor.

원저자 - Apatheia, the Stable Spirit.
번역자 - PGR id: Kaysa           contact at:

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
04/01/03 20:56
수정 아이콘
그런데 호미님 이 작업은 어떤 이유로 하시는지요? 꽤 궁금합니다.
04/01/04 09:50
수정 아이콘
04/01/04 09:54
수정 아이콘
맞아요 이 작업을 어떤 이유로 하시는지 궁금하네요 ^^ 혹시 PGR21에
방문하시는 외국인분들을 위해서?
04/01/04 09:56
수정 아이콘
해석은 없나요..?
전 영어를 잘하지 못해서 -_-;;
04/01/04 10:43
수정 아이콘
g~g -_-; 해석불가;;
04/01/04 12:15
수정 아이콘
추게 게시물 No. 111 “귀환” (上) <-- 이걸 영작한것 입니다.
04/01/04 12:16
수정 아이콘
해석 해 주세요 ;;
외국인분들을 배려하는 마음에서 쓴거에요?
04/01/04 23:27
수정 아이콘
이건 여기 추게 게시판에 있는걸 영어로 번역한겁니다;;
한글판은 추게 게시판에서 "귀환"으로 검색해서 찾아 읽으세요..
04/01/10 21:36
수정 아이콘
(2004-01-10 21:35:07)
1) I've tried to move my body. My damaged shield seems to have been recharged considerably. Even though I had been trained to remain calm in all situations, the fact that my comrades were annihilated and that I was stranded alone in an unknown area wasn't at all encouraging.

2) My Zealots, take caution to remain undisclosed against the enemy Overlords.

3) I heard that the High Templar in charge of this blitz is from a family of high pedigree among the Akilae tribe. He was confident and sharp. But like all other High Templars, he had no sense of comaraderie for a Dark Templar such as I.

4) It was unlikely that he, having received the teachings of Khala ever since he could barely walk, did not have the power to perceive my presence. Although I was desperately trying to hold my anger, thinking that it would not be wise for the Templars to quarrel in front of the Zealots, my hand trembled slightly on the scabbard of my warp blade.

5) If the war against the mighty Zerg and the persistent Terran wasn't so exhaustive, they would have continued to neglect us for ever.

6) But somehow we already knew that once this seemingly endless war is over and the Protoss come out in the end as the victor, they will banish us again into the desolate spaces of the universe just as they had done in the past.

7) I closed my eyes. The troops that were mobilized for the blitz consisted of six or seven Zealots, the High Templar who was in charge, and I. Upon reaching this place, we were utterly demolished by an unexpected attack from the Mutalisks. The Zealots and I were powerless against such aerial bombardation.

8) I've been trained as an assassin, and I am not allowed to lose my presence of mind.

9) painful cries filled the air. The sound wasn't from any weapon of our race, nor was it from the Zerg whose weaponry were all virtually organic…

10) Probably a last minute cry of the one at the brink of his death.

11) Therefore, there was absolutely no reason for me to get involved in the struggle when I, myself, isn't of one piece.

12) The constant shaking of the muzzle of his gun seemed as if it were a desperate cry of a cornered soul.

13) I, too, am a Templar who holds the value of honor important.
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